Monday, August 24, 2015

Gravity and the Solar System

Gravity and the Solar System
Links Brain Pop Videos: Solar System   Gravity  
Because of gravity, if you drop something, it falls down, instead of up. Well, everybody knows that! But, what does this really mean? What is gravity?

Spiral galaxyGravity has played a big part in making the universe the way it is. Gravity is what makes pieces of matter clump together into planets, moons, and stars. Gravity is what makes the planets orbit the stars--like Earth orbits our star, the Sun. Gravity is what makes the stars clump together in huge, swirling galaxies.

Albert EinsteinA great scientist, Albert Einstein, who lived in the 20th century, had a new idea about gravity. He thought that gravity is what happens when space itself is curved or warped around a mass, such as a star or a planet. Thus, a star or planet would cause kind of a dip in space so that any other object that came too near would tend to fall into the dip. This 2-D animation gives an idea of how gravity works in 3-D.
Animation of gravity well.

 Three astronauts are weightless. A caption reads "When astronauts are in orbit, Earth's gravity pulls them downward toward the planet. They float because everything around them are falling at the same speed."Three astronauts are weightless. A caption reads "When astronauts are in orbit, Earth's gravity pulls them downward toward the planet. They float because everything around them are falling at the same speed."
Fun facts
  • The gravity on the moon is about 16 percent of that on Earth, Mars has about 38 percent of Earth's pull, while the biggest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, has 2.5 times the gravity of Earth.
  • Though nobody "discovered" gravity, legend has it that famous astronomer Galileo Galilei did some of the earliest experiments with gravity, dropping balls off the Tower of Pisa to see how fast they fell.

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